Apparently I have been tagged by Clowin..what to do:• Link the blogger who tagged you (as shown above).
• In your blog, write up rules and then...
• Place 6 quirky facts about yourself that no one knows.
• Tag six other bloggers and link them.
• Visit each person's blog and leave them a comment informing them that they have been tagged.
ok, here we go:
1. I used to sleep with a piece of fur that I thought was seal fur, until someone told me it was a rabbit.. I was absolutely disgusted with myself
2. I'm terrified that I'm going to wake up when I'm 80 and still be alone.
3. I get embarrassed easily when people talk about sex
4. I've lost a few friends in the past few months and some days I wish I could get them back but then I realize how miserable I was with them around.
5. The people I've met at university have changed my life (for the better of course)
6. I'm extremely jealous of one of my best friends and I wish that my life was like hers most of the time.
Well there you go, six random things about me that I'm hoping you didn't know. Anyways, I'd love to sit and blog but I need to read physical assessment so that I can listen to heart sounds tomorrow. I like being able to do neat things like that :)