AWAY goes the worries of my life..
I haven't felt a single worry in over two weeks...
I didn't even worry much that there was a psycho on the loose..
Things just don't bother me.. I can't do blood pressure.. so what? I need to go back to school.. so what? I'm going to be alone all my life.. so what? I'm going to fail physical assessment.. so what? I haven't talked to you in a month.. so what? I eat too much junk food.. so what? I think I love you and it won't work out.. so what? THINGS ARE NOT PERFECT FOR ME... so..what?
I can't be perfect and that's okay for me, I'm going to survive, I'm going to live a full life and be happy doing so. I'm going to live day to day, moment to moment. I'm just going to be.
stupid boy
15 years ago
A single worry in TWO WEEKS?!?!?
Although that's good for you :)
TAG! you're it!
check out the "tag, i'm it!" post on my blog for more info.
le kettle also tagged. oh. woah. wha? :)
which means, you should read mine first. much more important.
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