Saturday, November 8, 2008

Someone is loving liffffeeee...

AND ITS ME!!!!!!

Today has completely rocked my socks... I went shopping and bought a cute pair of shoes for the semi-formal tomorrow night.. I bought my mommy part of her Christmas present.. I bought cue cards to help me study muscles for anatomy and physiology.. My mom sent my dress for my semi-formal and IT FITS.... and I got an 85 on my bio lab midterm.. So all in all I love life! I'm swearing off junk food tomorrow and I'm hopefully going to stick to it. Seeing as the gym is out of commission due to a flood, I need to do something else. I could eat a horse and not notice I ate it, then gain 20 pounds. Anyways, life rocks and I rock.. so ya!

1 comment:

colinM. said...

bitch please, you been TAGGEDDD!!!
i wanna know six RANDAM facts about'ya now