Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jesus doesn't want me for a sunbeam....

Tonight.. I learned how to play risk! It was a decently fun time. I must say however that games which take three hours to play kill me. They should have a timer and a person must play in the alotted time. I have no patience! =( Now, I'm incredibly hyper and I feel like I could run a marathon (if I weren't so pleasantly plump of course).

Food, I love it too much, I wish they could make healthy food taste like fuzzy peaches, or Reese puffs cereal. Just have this magic flavoring for vegetables or something. Don't get me wrong, I love me some lettuce with a little tomato and some carrot, makes a great salad. But I'd much rather be eating some sugar or a bag of chips. How do you stop thinking about such things? Or craving them? I'm sure if someone could figure that out, they'd be a kajillionaire! Maybe that's what I'm meant to do with my life. Solve the obesity epidemic.. ha.. ha..

Anyways, tomorrow I'm spending the day in bed I think.. away from food, away from life's little hassles, just curled up with me and my stuffies. Yes, I'm 19 and still have stuffies, get the fuck over it, k thanks? So bed, tomorrow, for a really long time.. it will be heaven.

"Voooodooo lady, shaking that stick driving me crazy"


1 comment:

Kettle said...

I know what you mean. I've been struggling with this "diet" of mine. Doing much better than I was, mind you. It's a mind-over-matter thing and a balance. Easy once you get on it, hard as hell to get back on it when you get out of it.