Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bet your bottom dollar..

Trebuchet.. is this font, I thought that was some kind of catapult type thing, not a font that you write with. Maybe I'll wiki it.. hold on

A trebuchet or trebucket is a siege engine that was employed in the Middle Ages either to smash masonry walls or to throw projectiles over them.

Why do I know such useless things?! Why can't my head be filled with things that are pertinant to my chosen career or something else useful?

My heart hurts.. I don't know why.. I wish I didn't feel emotional hurt a lot of the time. Physical pain is the way to go, you just pop a couple of advil or take some morphine et voila.. it's gone. Emotional pain sticks around long past it's welcome. I want everything to be butterflies and rainbows and roses... white roses, they are so pretty. Maybe some lilies too or some orchids.

I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. My life is falling apart around me and I just want someone to pick up the pieces for me or hug me and tell me I'll be okay. I'm scared the sun isn't going to come out tomorrow.. I don't give a shit what that damn ginger Annie has to say about it. I'm ready to quit, actually ready to throw up the white flag, crawl into my bed and say I'm done. Prince Charming isn't coming, my school work isn't getting done, and I'm not getting any thinner. My arms and legs are done flailing in the water and I'm just ready to drown....

Monday, January 12, 2009


Wellll.. I think the title says it all!!!!

I haven't written in here in ages and ages and I just thought I'd take it up.. (not like anyone reads it)!
I'm currently super cranky and I don't know what to do about it, I've had a headache on and off for the past 3 days..
That might be a tiny reason! But anyways, my face has decided to break out too, I think deep down I feel stressed I just don't actually realize it..

Ummm.. and hopefully Clowin you will read this.. that man of my dreams doesn't exist anymore, he was more the man of my nightmares :). Thank you for everything, I love you to death and then some :)

And this just in, a little side note - 2008 was actually good for me for the most part, I was just too damn ridiculous to see it. I accomplished a lot and I plan to accomplish more this year. Luckily I don't have the added weight of certain things anymore. Most days it feels like the world is at my fingertips :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cause CLOWIN bitched about me not blogging, fucker!

Rules: Answer all of the questions with a word that begins with the same latter that either your name, blogger ID, or blog name begins with.

1. What is your name: Sam
2. A 4-letter word: sink
3. A boy's name: Shawn
4. A girl's name: Sierra
5. An occupation: Ship captain
6. A colour: Salmon
7. Something you wear: Shirt
8. A beverage: Sleemans? its a beer haha
9. A food: Skittles
10. Something found in the bathroom: Soap
11. A place: Sierra Leone
12. A reason for being late: Slept in
13. Something you shout: SHUTTHEFUCKUP

I hope you're happy bitch :)


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Up, Up and...

AWAY goes the worries of my life..

I haven't felt a single worry in over two weeks...

I didn't even worry much that there was a psycho on the loose..

Things just don't bother me.. I can't do blood pressure.. so what? I need to go back to school.. so what? I'm going to be alone all my life.. so what? I'm going to fail physical assessment.. so what? I haven't talked to you in a month.. so what? I eat too much junk food.. so what? I think I love you and it won't work out.. so what? THINGS ARE NOT PERFECT FOR ME... so..what?

I can't be perfect and that's okay for me, I'm going to survive, I'm going to live a full life and be happy doing so. I'm going to live day to day, moment to moment. I'm just going to be.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

You're something beautiful, a contradiction...

I wanna play the game, I want the friction... ;)

I love Muse, fabulous song! Anyways, today was a not so good day so I made a logical choice and decided not to do any school work because I knew deep down that it would only make things worse. So what did I do you may ask? Well I made kraft dinner and watched the movie 1984.. definitely was not what I expected. I started reading the book in the summer because my brother had it for an english assignment. I didn't finish it, but now I'm totally curious as to how closely the book follows the movie. I also had a tiny nap during it because I was super tired and just kind of died..oops? THEN I watched the rest of Camp Rock, I started watching it while I was away in Ontario the last week in August but never finished it. It was a pretty rocking movie, I sang along and everything :).

Now, I just finished cleaning my room and I think I'm going to read my beloved book, The Host. OH MY GOD, I absolutely love it, I swear if I don't finish it soon I'm gonna go nuts. It's so hard to put down but I have to will myself to leave it so I can do things such as sleep, go to class, eat and shower.. ya know all the stupid daily stuff that just needs to be done. I'm going home this weekend and it's going to be the absolute best time of my life :). Maybe I'll write about it ;).


Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Apparently I have been tagged by Clowin..

what to do:
• Link the blogger who tagged you (as shown above).
• In your blog, write up rules and then...
• Place 6 quirky facts about yourself that no one knows.
• Tag six other bloggers and link them.
• Visit each person's blog and leave them a comment informing them that they have been tagged.

ok, here we go:
1. I used to sleep with a piece of fur that I thought was seal fur, until someone told me it was a rabbit.. I was absolutely disgusted with myself
2. I'm terrified that I'm going to wake up when I'm 80 and still be alone.
3. I get embarrassed easily when people talk about sex
4. I've lost a few friends in the past few months and some days I wish I could get them back but then I realize how miserable I was with them around.
5. The people I've met at university have changed my life (for the better of course)
6. I'm extremely jealous of one of my best friends and I wish that my life was like hers most of the time.

Well there you go, six random things about me that I'm hoping you didn't know. Anyways, I'd love to sit and blog but I need to read physical assessment so that I can listen to heart sounds tomorrow. I like being able to do neat things like that :)


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Someone is loving liffffeeee...

AND ITS ME!!!!!!

Today has completely rocked my socks... I went shopping and bought a cute pair of shoes for the semi-formal tomorrow night.. I bought my mommy part of her Christmas present.. I bought cue cards to help me study muscles for anatomy and physiology.. My mom sent my dress for my semi-formal and IT FITS.... and I got an 85 on my bio lab midterm.. So all in all I love life! I'm swearing off junk food tomorrow and I'm hopefully going to stick to it. Seeing as the gym is out of commission due to a flood, I need to do something else. I could eat a horse and not notice I ate it, then gain 20 pounds. Anyways, life rocks and I rock.. so ya!